Bhaskara Padyalu In Telugu Pdf
Mar 14, 2011 - Download Telugu Satakamulu and enjoy it on your iPhone, iPad and. Bhaskara satakamulu font is small that will be fixed in future release.

Telugu Padyalu Pdf
Description A Satakam in telugu is usually a set of one hundred poems all ending with a set makutam. Telugu Satakamulu application provides some of these telugu sahitya satakamulu written by various genre. This application contains explanation and audio background for some of these wisdom poems. Currently there are two sections available i.e. Sumati Satakam and Vemana Satakam. Sumati satakam was composed by Bhadra Bhupala (Baddena - AD 1220-1280) who was student of Tikkana. Sumati Satakam is the most famous Satakam of any genre in Telugu.
The Sumati Satakam is also one of the earliest Telugu works to be translated into European languages. Vemana Satakam was composed by Kumanagiri Vemana Reddy (AD 1352-1430).
In this application Audio details are collected from public site of Dr. Anjaneyulu Goli and the poems are collected from different public domains. Please try the app and provide your valuable feed back.
Bhaskara Sathakam Telugu Poems is Collection of Bhaskara Satakam Telugu Padhyalu. All Telugu Padhyalu in Bhaskara Sathakam in Telugu. Telugu Bhaskara Sathkam Poems Telugu Padhyalu in Telugu. Mana Tekugu Bhaskara Satakam. Easy To operate in use Bhaskara Sthakam App.
Kids Telugu poems And Rhymes For Kids. Telugu Kids Moral Poems. All Padhalu or Poems in Bhaskara Satakam will have Moral and ethical information useful for Kids And Students. All poems in Bhaskara Satakam are related Kids And Students Academic Telugu Subject.

So It will help Children And Students for Learning Telugu Poems easily. Telugu Kids Poems in Easy Learning. Telugu Padhyalu App.
Kids Moral Rhymes in Telugu From Bhaskara Satakam.